What do a Ballerina, A Bride, and A Giraffe all have in common? Their last name is Allen! Halloween was a fun time to dress up and get some teeth-rotting candy! Ryleigh knew she wanted to be a ballerina for months. We bought her outfit and she had it all planned out! On the other hand, Josey change her mind EVERYDAY! It wasn't until she came down the stairs before we were ready to leave that I knew what she would be. A bride...A bride??? I almost threw up. She might as well have actually gotten married to a real boy that day - it was too much for Lindsey and I! Then there was our precious giraffe. He cracked me up and was way too cute for words! I never thought I'd have room enough in my heart for a Ballerina, a Bride AND a giraffe, but I do!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I can't believe it has been a whole year since Garrison arrived! His birthday was October 30th! We celebrated on November 1st which was exactly one year to the day we brought him home from the hospital. His birthday party was fun - I made him a baseball cake and he had his own cupcake to tear into. I've never made a round cake before and I will tell you that "round" was relative when it came to my cake. Good thing is that Garrison didn't care. I was anxious to see what he did to the cupcake. He has a little of his mom in him and he picked that cupcake right up and put it to his face. It's hard to believe that his birthday came and went and I'll never be able to sing "Happy first birthday" again. Where did the time go? Oh yeah, just look at the wrinkles around my eyes and the gray in my hair and you'll see where the time went!
So, my baby is a year old. Hmmm...kind of bittersweet.
Here's the latest on the show biz scene. The meeting in Bethesda went well. I have to say that I just might get used to the "star" treatment. We were picked up in a limo at the D.C. airport with our production company "Seven Star Media" on it. We ate lunch at a fancy French restaurant - I'm not sure what I ordered, even more disturbing is that I don't know exactly what I ate. We met with all the folks and pitched our show and our ideas. Then, we flew back home that evening. Jimmy Carter was on our flight home and shook every one's hand on the plane. I have to say that I felt mighty safe with all of his secret service guys with their earpieces in. They were probably listening to music, but whatever. After several weeks of them meeting with their alliance partners (Home Depot to name one) and then just last week they received their numbers for the last quarter and had the worst quarter in their history, money has become a huge factor as the economic crisis is not bias on who it destroys. With that said, CASE has offered us all their resources but no monthly financial support. They want us to proceed into the Atlanta Market with ION which reaches 2.3 million homes. We are going forward with that and in doing so, hopefully CASE will see the benefits for them. We'll see what God has in store. In the beginning of this, our vision was set on the Atlanta market and that is exactly where we are headed. Our goal is by March 1, 2009, you will see our show, Remodeling: Case by Case on at 9:00 am on ION network for those of you in the surrounding area. Wherever God takes us is exactly where we want to go... Please continue to pray for His best!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Go Big or Go Home
Here's the latest on the show biz scene. I will be flying to Bethesda Maryland on Tuesday, Oct. 14th for a meeting that could take us national. A few weeks ago, we met with the marketing exec. of Atlanta from ION Television. She was interested in putting our show on her network. In order to do this, we had to have a national sponsor. My co-host, Tracy Tesmer owns a Case Design and Remodeling Franchise in Gainesville GA. He mentioned that maybe we should pitch this sponsorship to the President of Case, who's headquarters is in Maryland. The call was made and they couldn't believe the fit. Case had just held a meeting discussing the desire to have a "Branding" and what better way to brand yourself then with a TV show. They also talked about how they wanted to cross advertise with their suppliers, one of whom is a little home improvement store, also known as Home Depot. Our meeting on Tuesday will include our crew, Rhonda from ION in Atlanta, and her boss, the Chief Marketing Exec from LA. We will meet and see if Case is on board. We've talked as a crew and decided to Go Big or Go Home - I'd like to go big if that's what God wants and I'd be fine with going home, if that's what He wants as well. Would you please pray for His very best! This could very well take us national and we just may be on your tv - Regardless, I know God is in control and I covet your prayers for this journey. I'll keep you informed...in case this goes big, for those of you who knew I was destined to be on TV because of my "drama ability", you can now say, "I told you so."
All Three!
Well, I FINALLY have a picture of all THREE of my children. It's only been, what, a year? So, here are my babies, growing and growing. Garrison will be 1 in just a couple of weeks and I think I'm in denial (and it's not just a river in Egypt)! It seems like it has flown by, but in some ways, it feels like forever ago I was pregnant! I can no longer use the phrase, "I just had a baby..." Life is crazy with three but "crazy" is what I understand so it's a great fit! Be in prayer for Lindsey as he endures the procedure that will ensure that life will be crazy with three children, instead of four.
Friday, August 29, 2008
First Days of School!
Here's a picture of Josey giving her teacher, Ms. Holly, a present for her first day!
Well, it's official...I have two kids in school - yikes! That doesn't make me old, it does, however, make me tired! The reason I don't have pictures of the girls in their "specially picked out dresses" is because I can't figure out how to rotate their pictures from the long way to fit onto the blog - I welcome any help! Anyway, Ryleigh had a great first day with a wonderful teacher named Mrs. Woeste (pronounced Wasty). I asked her what her favorite thing about her was and Ryleigh smiled and said, "I like her face". She's pretty and apparently that speaks to Ryleigh. Josey's first day was great too! She got in the car after her day and I asked her if she had fun and replied, "yeah...I learnded a lot!" We have a little to work on...Now, for the picture of Garrison. We had just dropped JoJo off at school for the first day and I asked Garrison what he thought about having mommy all to himself. Yes, that is the response of a mama's boy!!
Happy First Day
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oh, to be a baby again...Garrison fell asleep during one of his feedings and we couldn't help but get a picture or two. He was doing an awful lot of grinning too...not real sure what he could be dreaming about. A cow maybe? I don't know but whatever it is, it sure is sweet to see. Did I mention he sure was a messy eater? He is a messy eater.
Ryleigh Graduates
Well, Ryleigh is a first grader...can you hear my heart breaking? Her ceremony was great and she won a few different awards. She received the Awesome Author award from her teachers because of all of wonderful writing and she received the Art award from her art teacher. She has really surprised us with this talent. We have framed a huge pumpkin picture she did in the fall and she has brought home several sculptures that were amazing. Her art teacher rewarded her for her crafty mind. The last day of school, at her party, her teachers gave away one more set of awards/certificates. You are not going to believe this one...Ryleigh got the best dressed award. Yup, the teacher said it had to do with how well she "accessorized". The lepoard print silk scarf was the topic as well as her lip gloss and her jewelry. Oh boy...I guess I mean...Oh Girl! We are so proud of Ryleigh, our little big first grader!
We were so blessed to be able to go on vacation this year! We tagged along with our best friends Derrick and Betsy Jones and her family. We "vacated" to SurfSide which is near Myrtle Beach. We stayed for almost a whole week and praise the Lord, the weather was wonderful! Garrison wasn't a big fan of either the beach or the pool...not quite a water lover just yet! Next year will be great for him, I hope! We did a lot of things and had so much fun. We had dinners out which were fantastic and dinners in which were just as great! Our favorite memory was when we went to the Water Park. Betsy's mom kept little man for us and we took the girls. Lindsey and I were so proud of both of them! Josey overcame her fear of going under the water and just blew us away with her tenacity. Ryleigh has become a water bug and can swim so very well. She went down a tube/tunnel with about a four foot drop off into water that even Lindsey couldn't touch. She came up out of the water and I just kept encouraging her to swim to the ladder and she rocked it out! The girls also played miniature golf which they had never done before. So, between the beach, the pool, the water park, golf and all the friends, vacation was amazing!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Garrison's a fatty!
Garrison went to the doctor today for his 6 month checkup, yes...he's almost 7 months but cut me a break, we're lucky we went at all and that I remembered to actually bring Garrison with me!!! If any of you have come across this little man lately, you will have noticed something we like to call "fat rolls!" and they are everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! So, guess how much he weighs...drum roll please...19 1/2 pounds and he's 27 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75th % of his height and weight! Let me just say for the record, my girls were not quite this, well, fat, so it's great!! So, he's tall, fat, blond and blue-eyed...still not sure if he's ours...I'll keep him regardless! He's learning to get up on his knees so it won't be long before the inevitable happens...the crawl...yikes...I'm not ready! He's already cut his two bottom teeth! I had forgotten how quickly time flies...So, this is in honor of our little Honey Ham!
Weddings, Weddings, and more Weddings...
It's been the season for weddings around here and Ryleigh has been in the action! At her school, the letters Q and U got married to form the blend "Qu". Ryleigh was chosen to be the flower girl and boy was she excited! She got all dressed up and I put the porcelain headpiece that I wore in my wedding on her...what a moment! So, now Q & U are legally united! Then, Ryleigh was the JR. Bridesmaid in the wedding of Lindsey's second cousin Justin. She looked so beautiful in her dress (the dress, by the way, cost as much as my first car). It was all a bit costly but I reminded Lindsey that we were not paying for a dress, shoes and such, we were paying for an amazing experience that she will never forget. With that said, Lindsey was all on board...that is...until he saw the boy Ryleigh had to walk the aisle with. He was 10 and REALLY liked Ryleigh. Lindsey had to basically tell the putz to hit the road and leave his daughter alone! It has already started...I think I'll be carrying a loaded gun from now on...Anyway, the "weddings" were fun but it sure reminded me of how quickly time flies and how we need to cherish every moment because all too soon, there will be another wedding, this time it will be one of ours...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Well, it's "officially official". Lindsey is now the Assistant Principal of Holsenbeck Elementary School here in Winder GA! We've prayed for God's best and His perfect Will. We prayed that if this was the job God had for Lindsey then he would be offered the position, if it wasn't his job then they wouldn't even offer. I believe that specific prayers get specific answers and God did not tarry on His answer. This all happened so quickly. Lindsey got the call from the new Principal on Sunday Night to come and talk with her. The next morning, after a two hour interview, Lindsey said that he really liked the Principal and the school. Later that night she called back again and asked if he could come in the next morning to meet with 10 teachers for another interview. He was told he would know something by the end of the week. Thursday, while at school, the principal had called Lindsey's AP, Jenny, for a reference. Before the call was over, the Principal had asked Jenny to go and get Lindsey on the phone...and offered him the job! Like I said earlier, this happened so quickly and I think it was so we didn't have time to think about it or worry! So, we ask you to pray for Lindsey as he embarks on a totally new path in his career. One, that I believe, God has prepared and molded him for awhile now. The verse that sticks out to me is from The Message Proverbs 20:28 "Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity." Lindsey is and will be a good leader. So, Congratulations to Holsenbeck Elementary's new Assistant Principal: Lindsey Allen!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Inspirational Story
Most of you know that I host a local talk show called "Talk of the Town". Now, I know that you are surprised it is a "talk" show and that I'm loving it, but I digress. I just wanted to encourage you to watch the show this week especially as there is a very special young man that I want you to meet. His name is Eric Redmon and he puts life in total perspective for most of us. The show is on Channel 24 if you have Comcast. If you don't, you can watch it via Live Video Stream by going to http://www.wctv24.com/ and clicking on Live Video Stream. You will need to tune in during the actual show times which are: Monday-Friday 8am, 7pm, and 12 midnight. I pray that he encourages and inspires you just as he did me and the rest of our production crew.
Just for your entertainment, my tag line at the end of the show is "Remember, every time you invest in or serve our community, you just might become the Talk of the Town" (yes, I made that up) Anyone interested in being the next guest???
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Little Man...
Garrison is our "little man" for a couple of reasons. Ever since I was pregnant with him (and we knew it was a "him") I have called him "little man". I don't know why I called him that, I don't know why I do a lot of things... Anyway, the other reason he is our "little man" is because he looks just like his daddy! Their baby pictures are identical! I can only hope and pray (and I do) that Garrison turns out like his dad. The world really would be a better place...not to mention a more handsome one as well!!! So, enjoy our "little man", I know we do...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Youngins'
Here are our precious legacy bearers! Ryleigh 6, Josey 4, and our little man Garrison who is 5 months in the picture. We sure do love being a family of five...who knew? This was taken at Easter - it's embarrassing to say that this was one of the first times I had gotten all three together for a picture. As I've stated before, I'm still trying to brush my teeth before 5:00 pm...
The First of Many...
This will be the first blog of many...
I'm excited about sharing what God has done and will continue to do in the lives of our family. We echo Joshua in saying, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. I hope you are encouraged, inspired, and humored as we travel our journey together...so begins the Allen's Actions...
I'm excited about sharing what God has done and will continue to do in the lives of our family. We echo Joshua in saying, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. I hope you are encouraged, inspired, and humored as we travel our journey together...so begins the Allen's Actions...
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